Article from Working Mother Magazine

Will My Child Turn Out Okay?

For all her worries about her job’s effect on her children, she can now see all the things she and husband Michael, an attorney, did right. They were both involved in their care; they instilled independence in them and had regular family dinner despite six crazy schedules. Today, she’s proud that her kids are all thriving.

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Laurie with husband and three small children

Who Do You Want to Be When They Grow Up?

When I was a young mother at the start of my journey, I often wondered if it was worth it, and further, if I could be successful as a working mother with a full-time job and growing family. At one particular juncture I asked myself – Where did I want to be in five years, 10 years, 20 years? Those years are going to come really fast. Rather than focus on the day at hand, I decided to take the long view. I am happy I did.

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